The nobles, halogens and other gases.

In the Periodic table there is a few types of gases. These are the nobles, two of the halogens  the three nonmetals.

The nobles are Helium, neon, argon, krypton, Xenon, Radon and Organesson.  The noble gases are special because they are non reactive with other elements.  Radon and Organesson are radio-active.

The two Halogen gases are Florine and chlorine. They are very reactive and chorine is very hazardous if miss used.

Floride that’s a compound of Florine is in toothpaste and helps to stop cavities.

The three non metals are Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen.

Hydrogen is the lightest and first element.  It is also very flammable and it what powers the sun.

Nitrogen makes up 78% of the air we breath and is present in all living things.

Oxygen is also in the air and like Nitrogen it is in all living things and is vital for us to to live.  It also vital component for fire.








Sulphur Hexafluoride

I have made Sulphur Hexafluoride using my molicules set.  Daddy helped me research where it is used.  

It is a very potent green house gas!!

It is also used in double glazing and in hospitals in eye operations and ultrasound imaging.

My Haiku poem

Yesterday I was given a head teachers award and put in the schools Good Book for writing a Haiku poem about autumn. A Haiku poem is a poem with 5 syllables in the first line 7 syllables in the 2nd line and 5 syllables in the 3rd line, a total of 17 syllables.  

Leaves are falling down

The branches are getting bare

Jumping in the leaves

I read my poem and explained what a Haiku poem is to the whole school and some parents, including mummy.  

As a reward Mummy & Daddy gave me a card and a box of molicules.  

I love science!!

Fuzzy Felt

Today I made this fuzzy felt picture of the solar system, including Phobos and Dimos, a comet and the dwarf planet Haumea.  The Fuzzy  felts are fun to play with because they stick on the board, my mummy remembers playing with this exact set when she was young.  

New Elements 

Niobium      -Nh 113

Moscovium -Mc 115

Tennessine  -Ts 117

Ogannesson  – Og 118

These are the new names for the super heavy elements of the periodic table.

They used to be called.

Ununtrium, Ununpentium, Ununseptium and Ununoctium before they were created by scientists.
They are now looking for elements 119 and up.

New Exoplanet

Hello all.

There is a new exoplanet discovered called Proxima B.

My drawing.

It’s really exciting because it’s like earth and in its Stars goldilocks zone.

These means it could have life on it.

It’s even further than Planet Nine (a possible new planet in our solar system)

so will take a long time to get there.

I want to invent the new engine so I can travel to Proxima B when I am grown up.

New Scientist link to article on Proxima B